Get Tested. Help Reduce The Spread of HIV.


Test FL Keys ORG

Testing & Counseling Resources:

GET TESTED GET TREATEDThe goal of HIV counseling and testing is to assist individuals in assessing their risk and understanding their test results and to help them develop a personalized prevention plan. Counseling includes notifying the patient of the availability of partner counseling and referral services, the benefits of such services, and the confidentiality protections available as part of such services. HIV-infected persons and those at risk for HIV are referred to needed services, including substance abuse treatment, Healthy Start, prevention case management, and medical care.

FREE Rapid HIV Testing is available in both clinical and non-clinical settings.

Click here to obtain a FREE HOME TEST KIT serves the Monroe County community by providing free preventative education and testing such as HIV testing and other screenings too. 

Click here to access County Specific Counseling and Testing Sites  

The Florida Department of Health Strives to Lead The Nation in HIV Testing & Prevention Services.

With a statewide effort Florida continues to lead the nation in the number of HIV tests conducted at over 1,460 publicly funded and registered sites. During 2019, the Counseling, Testing and Linkage (CTL) data team recorded over 311,000 HIV screening tests with about 70% of these tests conducted at sites using rapid test technologies.

HIV testing provided in a number of venues—County Health Departments, non-profits community based organizations, jails, hospitals, community health centers, mobile testing units, sexually transmitted disease clinics, outreach events, and other community venues.

Testing for HIV is a powerful tool in our prevention arsenal. We know that when a person knows their HIV status they will apply prevention measures with their partners and will enter into medical care and tend to remain in care. 



Testing Program:

In 2014, the HIV Counseling and Testing Team began putting our HIV testing and prevention counselor training called HIV/AIDS 500/501 on-line for the general public to access. The HIV/AIDS 500 course is available as a TRAINFlorida on-line course at FDOH HIV/AIDS 500 The Basics of HIV/AIDS Counseling, Testing and Linkage.

The HIV Counseling and Testing Team is public health in motion. Thanks to our numerous test sites, skilled prevention counselors, and progressive laboratory we will continue to move Florida into the next generation and slow this epidemic.


For more information on HIV testing basics please click here.